Baker Creed Heirloom Expo

September 13, 2011

I have a serious love of the Heirloom seed company; Baker Creek. First off, I love using Heirloom seeds. These are the veggies that I remember from my childhood, way back when tomatoes were not always perfectly round and all identical. Baker Creek has 1,400 heirloom seeds available, from familiar vegetables like Zucchini, to lesser known but historical seeds like Sorghum. 

Our farm saves seeds from year to year, and one has to use an Heirloom seed, in order to save and re-grow the same variety again. Buying all of our seeds from Baker Creek, means we support a small company with the same values as our family tries to adhere to. 

This week, in Santa Rosa, Ca. Baker Creek is hosting an Heirloom Expo. Check out the fantastic things to see, taste and hear at this old thyme festival with important roots. 


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