We're big fans of John and Elana Talk About Food (if you don't know them, you should), and now we like them even more. Elana, half of the brother and sister duo, is a gifted graphic designer who has whipped up a beautiful cookbook all about pizza. Truth be told, she worked damn hard, spent a lot of money, and ate an inordinate amount of pizza in order to produce this gem of a book. Best of all, 80% of the proceeds from Top Your Pizza go to charity!
The charity is Just Food, a New York City organization whose mission is to unite local farms and city residents of all economic backgrounds with fresh, seasonal, sustainably grown food. The book includes 8 pizza topping recipes, plus a recipe for dough, useful tips from both John and Elana, and tricks and tools!
Want a sneak peek of this gorgeous book? Click here. You'll love the recipes and drool over the photography.
Buy the book here for only $18, including shipping and handling.
It's for a good cause, folks!