'The Biggest Loser' Helped Alison Sweeney Become a Healthy Eater

January 2, 2013

Alison Sweeney lost a significant amount of weight before she became the host of The Biggest Loser. However, the soap star says she learned how to lead a healthier lifestyle from the show, admitting she has always been prone to fad diets. 

"I was a total sucker for both the fat-free and sugar-free crazes. I used not to eat breakfast in the morning because I thought it was just one less meal to worry about," Sweeney told Fitness magazine. "When I started Biggest Loser, I wasn't eating enough and would compensate by consuming foods that weren't good for me. I really credit the show for introducing me to quinoa, lentils and other healthy options that taste good." 

As a mom, actress and television host, Sweeney doesn't have much time on her hands for working out -- but she manages to fit cardio and strength training into her busy schedule. 

"I'll do my strength training in my dressing room between shoots, and I've been known to make business calls while I'm out jogging," she said. "I try to mute myself on Bluetooth so they can't hear me huffing and puffing, but I usually end up getting caught. Fortunately, people understand; they're usually jealous they aren't exercising too!" 

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