December 5, 2016
Red velvet cupcakes are a festive sweet for the holiday season.  Nothing is quite as good as a...
December 3, 2016
Veggie and Beef Burgers with Spicy Sweet Potato Fries & Guacamole
Berbere (pronounced bur-bur-uh) is an intriguing spice blend from Ethiopia and Eritrea that’s...
December 2, 2016
We love our Foodista members and want to acknowledge their contribution to our site. This week we...
December 2, 2016
Coconut Curry Tofu Noodle Bowl
It can be difficult to stay on track of a healthy diet during the holiday season, but giving up...
December 1, 2016
Sweet potato fries with spicy almond dip is clean comfort food that you don't have to feel...
December 1, 2016
Lily Kunin from Clean Food Dirty City creates plant-based recipes that do the body good....
December 1, 2016
Spiced Oatmeal Cookies with Dried Cherries and Almonds
'Tis the season for baking! Oh, how I love the aromas of cookies baking in the oven; the...
November 29, 2016
Food is my absolute favorite thing to gift.  It is practical and makes people smile....
November 29, 2016
As the CEO of a food website I think about food all day: I constantly look at food images online, I...
November 29, 2016
After some indulgent eating over the weekend, my body needs a break.  These ground cauliflower...
November 29, 2016
Steamed Pumpkin Cake
Have you ever steamed a cake? In lieu of baking this holiday season, try this scrumptious steamed...
November 29, 2016
Those of us who work in the blogging world couldn’t do it without you, our dear Community...
November 28, 2016
Pulled turkey sandwiches is the perfect way to enjoy a post Thanksgiving meal.  Not only is...
November 28, 2016
There is no denying the magic of an after Thanksgiving sandwich.  I would go as far to...
November 23, 2016
There is no question that turkey is the star of the Thanksgiving meal.  There is something...
November 23, 2016
Sausage, Brussels Sprouts, and Potato Hash
Brussels sprouts and potatoes are both ubiquitous ingredients found on holiday dinner tables, and I...
November 22, 2016
Switch up the old canned cranberry sauce for these lighter, brighter recipes.  Raw cranberries...
November 22, 2016
Caramel Apple Tartlets
If you love baking, you'll love the recently published TWENTY-FIVE: Profiles and Recipes from...
November 22, 2016
Gravy is the glue the ties the whole Thanksgiving meal together.  Many people are afraid of...
November 21, 2016
It is not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie.  This classic dessert is made to perfection in...
