Crazy for Kebabs

May 26, 2011

Kebabs are originally from Persia and have since expanded to various countries in the Middle East. Persian lore states that medieval soldiers would skewer meat and roast it over open fires.  There are accounts of the kebabs existence before 8th century B.C.E.  Needless to say, the kebab has been around for quite awhile and with good reason.  It is an easy and delicious way to feed a large amount of people.  Since Memorial Day is around the corner, you may want to celebrate with kebabs at your backyard barbecue.

Persian Lamb Kebabs
The traditional kebab usually served with rice.

Asian Kebabs
A fusion dish that can accompany a Asian noodle salad

Chicken Kebab
A healthier version that you can feel good about.

Vegetable Kebabs
Kebabs don't have to be just for carnivore's, grilled veggies can be just as satisfying.

Fruit Kebab
A fun dessert that can be served fresh or with grilled fruit.

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