July 28, 2011

What the heck is thrifty and more important, what is exciting about croutons?
I make our bread, 6 loaves at a time. The loaves don't always get eaten up as fast as I like, so I make croutons. You can use any of the leftover bread you have, from French to just your run of the mill sandwich bread.
These croutons actually get used up as a snack in our house. My family loves the crunch factor, and they top soups and salads to add a zing of flavor.
If you don't have a loaf of bread to use, start saving the heels of any loaf you have. Freeze them as you go and soon you will have enough to make a batch of these savory croutons.
Image Sources:
July 28, 2011
Bread pudding is another great way to use up extra stale bread! I like tossing the extra in the freezer until I have enough and then mixing up main dish, savory ones. They're really great with a mixture of breads, rye/whole wheat/white/cheese...