Densuke Watermelon


A large black watermelon grown only on the northern island of Hokkaido. Because they are so rare, these melons can be extremely expensive. In 2008, a 17-pound Densuke watermelon was sold for $6,100, making it the most expensive watermelon ever sold in the country.


Translations: Densuke Arbūzi, Densuke arbūzas, Densuke Pepene verde, Densuke Lubenica, Densuke Kawon, Densuke Watermeloen, Densuke तरबूज, Densuke Melancia, Арбуз Densuke, Densuke Καρπούζι, Densuke بطيخ, Densuke 수박, Densuke Meloun, Densuke Semangka, Densuke pakwan, 传助西瓜, Densuke Síndria, Densuke Meloun, Densuke אבטיח, Денсуке Лубеница, Densukeすいか, Densuke Vandmelon, Densuke Sandía, Кавун Densuke, Densuke Vesimeloni, Densuke Диня

Physical Description

Densuke watermelons have a black outer thick skin and a juicy pink interior. There are no stripes or spots on the outside so it resembles a black bowling ball.

Colors: Black rind with pink fleshy interior

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Sweet
Mouthfeel: Crisp, Juicy
Beverage complements: Lemonade, Iced tea, Margaritas
Substitutes: Melon fruits, Cantaloupe, Honeydew

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november
Peak: may, june, july, august
Choosing: The best watermelons are firm. Avoid ones that are soft and bruised. Take your finger, and flick the watermelon. If it has a hollow thump sound it's good.
Buying: Densuke watermelons are only found in Japan. There is a limited amount harvested every season though you can buy densuke watermelon seeds year round.
Procuring: Densuke watermelons are only grown in the northern island of Hokkaido, Japan. The warmer the climate gets there, the more juicier and sweeter the melon. (When growing your own Densuke Watermelon make sure you rotate it as it grows. You don't want it to stay on one side or it will have a pale soft spot.)

Preparation and Use

Densuke watermelons are treated like any other fruit. They are for consumption in their raw form. Use a large knife to slice it open.

Cleaning: Simply rub the outside of the watermelon while rinsing it under cold water.

Conserving and Storing

Keep uncut watermelon inside the refrigerator. If you are conserving leftover watermelon, make sure to either plastic wrap it or keep it in a storage container. Then, place it under refrigeration.


Densuke watermelons is the rarest watermelon variety. They are sold for thousands of dollars. Because of their unique black skin, they attract interest and curiosity from consumers all over the world.



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