Pacific Oyster


The Pacific Oyster native to Japan, is found mainly in the waters of the North Pacific Ocean but can be found on five continents (Asia, North America, South America, Africa, and Australia). They are very hardy and can survive in a range of temperatures, salinity, and are strong against disease. It is also one of fastest growing species. They are easy to culture for farming. The white or pale shell of this oyster is elongated and rough with spots and an intricate display of large irregular folds.

Pacific oysters grow to be very large, up to a foot long, but are considered best for eating when much smaller. If cooking, medium sized pacifics (4-5 inches) are good, but most prefer the smalls (2-3 inches) for eating on the half shell.

The pacific oyster is one of the most valued types of shellfish with widespread commercial farming making them widely available.


Other names: Japanese Oyster, Miyagi Oyster, Giant Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas
Translations: Klusā okeāna austere, Didžioji austrė, Stridie, Oyster Thái Bình Dương, Japanse oester, प्रशांत कस्तूरा, Ostra, Тихоокеанский Ойстер, Στρείδι του Ειρηνικού, محار المحيط الهادئ, 태평양 굴, Ústřice obrovská, Oyster Pasifik, Pacific talaba, 太平洋牡蛎, Pacífic Oyster, Pacifiške ostrige, Ustrica tichomorská, Pacifico Oyster, השקט אויסטר, Japanskt jätteostron, Атлантиц Оистер, パシフィックオイスター, Huître du Pacifique, Pazifischen Auster, Pacífico Oyster, Тихоокеанський Ойстер, Tyynenmerenosteri, Тихо стриди



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