A quick, and I mean, quick, spin to our favorite Caesar’s Salad. You too...
I always found it very relaxing browsing cookbooks and cooking magazines,. The mouthwatering...
Deep fried anchovies are typical and most of all popular tapas food in Spain. They make an...
Dark funky and fishy, fish sauce is the ubiquitous ingredient necessary for almost every...
Mama was in charge of the food. For him she suggested her special stuffed peppers, for me roasted...
Ideal meal for calamari lovers.
This is a perfect Friday night dinner. Enjoy with Love, Catherine xo
Pasta, pasta… we all love pasta. After a wonderful weekend, we say “good bye” to the old week and...
Meeting new peoples is very exciting. The internet has given me the opportunity to meet some...
This is a delicious salad for any occasion. With Love, Catherine xo
This is easy, delicious and satisfying. With Love, Catherine xo
This is a gourmet taste without the gourmet price!! With Love, Catherine xo
Anchovies get a bad rap and I’m not sure why – they’re so small and flavorful (not to mention...