Yogurt feta sauce is the perfect dipping sauce for any fish, meat, poultry. Any finger food will be...
Mushrooms and Herbs Salad. I really enjoy eating mushrooms although not all the members of our...
Prep Time 0H15mins Cook Time 24H30mins Total Time 24H45mins Learn how to make...
A delicious and creamy casserole filled with ham, broccoli, and a burst of flavors. This recipe is...
Peanut butter cookie dough yogurt – a filling snack that will not only curb your cravings, but help...
This mouth-watering Plum Tart with Ricotta Cheese and Greek Yogurt is the right treat for your...
Start your day with these easy to make breakfast oatmeal cups! If you love granola bars, you will...
I can't imagine a world without snacks. The trick is to find snacks that are relatively healthy...
A simple, healthy and exotic dessert for one: Greek Yogurt with Red Wine-Infused Dates, Toasted...
The following cupcake recipe uses a reduced-fat mixture of mascarpone, low-fat cottage cheese (curd...
Delicious and healthy appetizer or light meal featuring roasted beetroots, crisp and spicy...
Turkish döner or Greek gyros: warm flat bread pockets filled with juicy meat, tzatziki and...
Layers of lemony Greek yogurt and berries macerated in Limoncello
These Sweet Potato Latkes are a great twist on the traditional potato latkes. Shredded sweet...
Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad. A lightened up version of a favorite! No mayo!
This recipe was originally from The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook
Enjoy no cholesterol,vegetarian, gluten free, and healthy baked jalapeno dip with a spicy and tangy...
It’s summer, and cool treats are in! Chances are, you are probably craving something sweet and...