Mangoes with rum and vanilla ice cream are the dream dessert for any or all occasions. Easy to...
Puerto Rican Coquito, a rum based cocktail for Christmas Eve that's even better than...
This sinful cake melts in your mouth like a rich, chocolate truffle packed with rum.
Killer frozen strawberry daiquiris for the long holiday weekend.
Good Tidings is a fantastic low-sugar, vodka-based winter cocktail that does not disappoint.
A twist on a classic White Russian. Made with rum (and a dash of vanilla) instead of vodka, this...
This homemade coffee liqueur is simple to make, tasty as heck, and can save you a lot of money. The...
Well, ain't that a Daisy? It sure is! This classic cocktail the Rum Daisy Cocktail is a simple...
This Ginger & Grilled Watermelon cocktail quenches your thirst and makes for a great deck...
This tasty Pomelo mojito is light, refreshing and loaded with fruit flavor. It’s the perfect...
Love eggnog, but hate the calories? Try this easy and delicious vegan eggnog. With a splash of rum...
Dear Friends, these are truly the "It" confection to take to your next holiday party....
The Bahamas most famous cocktails is the Bahamian Goombay Smash filled with the tastes and colors...
This layered frozen triple berry sipper is three kinds of daiquiri, layered and topped with some...
You don’t NEED to be on vacation on some warm tropical beach to enjoy this. Have a homemade...
An easy-to-make mega delicious blueberry chocolate cake with Rum and cream cheese!
Indulge yourself in a cup of mulled mixed fruit cider with mandarins! This warm drink made with...
Fruity and cold, you are going to love this new cocktail recipe from Foodista contributor, Julia,...
Quick Cuban Orange Mojito is the ultimate summer cocktail! Why? Because it’s easy, fun and tasty!
Who wouldn’t like hot chocolate? One of the best hot drinks not only for cold winter days!