Daregal Fresh Frozen Herbs

February 5, 2009

I am constantly buying fresh herbs in those expensive plastic clam shell packs, especially in the winter. And, unfortunately, I usually end up throwing most of them away because I don't use them quickly enough. At $2.50 - $4.00 or more a pack that's a huge waste of money! Then, I was recently introduced to Daregal, a French company that has specialized in herbs since 1887.  What's special about their herbs is that they are all-natural - no preservatives or salt - and frozen fresh within 3 hours of picking. Since herbs lose 75% of their flavor within 24 hours, then sit on the supermarket shelves losing even more flavor, it's great to have a fresh-from-the-garden option.

Fresh Frozen From France - say that ten times fast!

We have a selection of both Greens and Blends and have loved them all, tasting and smelling as if I just picked them from my yard. The herbs come in convenient shakers that fit perfectly two-deep in your freezer door. Thawing isn't necessary, you just toss (or shake) the already washed and stemmed chopped bits into your dishes. They are ever-so-lightly (you can't even tell) coated with vegetable oil to preserve freshness and so the leaves won't stick together. We've used them all: the basil and oregano in countless Italian dishes, the parsley sprinkled in soups, the cilantro in Vietnamese salad rolls (even frozen, as it quickly thaws!), and I mix the Blends with yogurt to make delicious herb dips and sauces (delicious on chicken or meats!).

Leave it to the French to come up with an awesome culinary idea! Since my herb garden failed miserably last year here in Seattle I'm making sure my freezer is well stocked year-round with these herbs. They certainly have saved me money, too! No more tossing out those wilted, slimy store bought ones.

I haven't found them in any stores here in Seattle, but you can order them online.



Dentist Orange's picture

Hi, I’m constantly searching for herb-related blogs and I stumbled your site. Thanks for this post. it's well written and helpful. I found your blog on Google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work! Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

- Shane
