Yellow Tea


Yellow Tea is a rare tea variety from China with a yellow color in the leaves and the brewed liquid; the flavor is like green tea with less of a "grassy" flavor.


Translations: Yellow Tēja, Geltona arbata, Ceaiul galben, Žuti čaj, Yellow trà, Herbata żółta, Gele Thee, पीला चाय, Chá Amarelo, Желтый чай, Κίτρινο Τσάι, الشاي أصفر, 노란 차, Žlutý čaj, Teh Kuning, 黄茶, Te groc, Rumeni čaj, Žltý čaj, צהוב תה, Жута чај, 黄茶, Gelber Tee, Gul Te, Gul Te, Té amarillo, Жовтий чай, Keltainen tee, Жълти чай



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