Question: Is it safe to eat bacon that has been frozen for five years?

May 25, 2011


Chris Paulk's picture

According to the USDA it can store for 1-2 months for quality. They note that as long as it's stored properly it would be safe indefinitely.

I would do the sniff test and visually look at it first though.

debbie's picture

I think quality would be the issue rather than safety. To keep meat frozen that long is more likely to cause off-flavors or loss of flavor and freezer burn or dryness. I agree with Chris - examine and smell it first. But I wouldn't be afraid to fry a little and see how it turns out.

Jessika (Chefs at Home)'s picture

I personally do not keep anything in my freezer for more than a couple of months, as Debbie says, it could have a loss of flavour

Shem Pama's picture

no. frozen processed meat are supposed to stay only for maximum of 180 days or so. even if its cooked or cured. Packaging material deteriorates over time and its impermiability over time decreases especially in harsh conditions (like freezing temp.) Also, there are the risk of oxidation of fat leading to rancidity and the ingredients used for the bacon usually is only 1-2 years maximum and after the said shelf-life, they will lose their functionality - this applies for both flavor and curing ingredients.

Mary Pat Keyes's picture

Sounds as though you know what you're talking about. It makes sense. I certainly can't tell by looking at this bacon that it might have deteriorated in any way. But your points are well taken. Thanks for writing!