Namita Tiwari

Hi! I am an educationist by profession. I have done advanced studies in Yoga and Alternative Therapies. I am an avid bird watcher and an animal lover. I love gardening and find working with nature very healing and therapeutic. My dream is to have a small place in the Himalayas where we can have an orchard and grow our own vegetables and plant a million trees before I die.
Food or anna as called in Sanskrit is the basis of life - prana. Food carries life force and sustains it in the body. Eating is our first interaction with the environment. A simple vegetarian diet encourages the development of higher qualities of peace, love and awareness. Ayurveda says that a right diet is the foundation of all healing therapies. Food is the first and most important form of medicine. Ayurveda recommends simple food because a simple nourishing diet nourishes the body, creates balance and eliminates diseases.
I love cooking simple healthy meals. I love experimenting with food and am always on a lookout for traditional recipes and cuisines and food theories and practices that are time tested and in tune with nature. I love baking my breads, cakes and cookies with whole grains and multigrains.
My culinary journey has just begun. There is a long way to go, lots to try, experiment and learn..........

