This Moroccan chickpea salad from Le Delicieux is a spicy fall salad. Chickpeas, also known...
Try this delicious recipe for something a bit different for the next family dinner. Lamb is a tasty...
Dunk your pita in hummus with harissa from The Kitchen of Oz. This quick and easy recipe is...
A Southern classic, gumbo hails from 18th century Louisiana. A rich and hearty soup often using...
Add hot sauce or pepper to taste if you prefer a spicy stew. Parsnips may be substituted for the...
Cooking the couscous in 2 pans prevents lumps from forming. This recipe was created to accompany...
Serve with boiled potatoes or some other starch. Yummy.
Gomen is usually served with other foods. It may be served hot or cold.
Note: Substitute orzo or the tiny soup pasta called acini di pepe for the crushed vermicelli, if...
This Moroccan pepper spread is a wonderfully flavorful condiment. Spread it on sandwiches or use...
Great for any night with a loaf of fresh bread. Particularly good after a fast (referring to a...
This recipie comes from Alimamy K. Turay, Wilberforce, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. It was...