Are you expecting guests for your birthday or something like that?And do not know what to prepare...
This healthy and delicious alcohol-free Pina Colada is so refreshing. It makes an amazing...
This vegan shepherd’s pie is comforting, healthy, delicious and really easy to make. You can also...
Oven baked falafel. In this way of cooking these yummy balls from chickpeas are healthier than the...
This French meal comes from France in town Nice.It is really simple and easy to prepare and cook....
Are you busy at your morning?And do not have much time to prepare and cook breakfast for yourself?...
Making creamy and yummy peanut butter at home is more than easy.The peanut butter recipe is so easy...
This Epic Jackfruit Burrito recipe includes guacamole, Mexican rice, salsa, homemade refried beans...
The quinoa is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.She is well-known with the health benefits....
If you want to make homemade hummus,here is a very easy to make recipe.The taste and quality of the...
We are still in the pumpkin season and can be found in the market.Last week,among other healthy and...
An incredible sweet-salted creamy combination of fresh avocado,large Himalayan salt and sweet...
Sweet raw carrot cake covered with cashew cream glaze and finished with walnuts and cinnamon.The...
Today I will introduce you to the instructions for preparing and making the Spanish summer soup-...
Chewy, sweet, full of almonds and coated in dark chocolate, these Paleo chocolate Florentines are...
Healthy Vegan Muffins - naturally sweetened by apples + carrot or zucchini, held together by banana...
Oven baked bread is delightful but nothing compared to this gluten and nut free, vegan and paleo...
Oven baked bread is delightful but nothing compared to this gluten and nut free, vegan and paleo...
Mapo Tofu using only easy to find ingredients! Traditional recipe included too though! [Vegan]
Sweet, soft, moist and made up of only five healthy ingredients, these Paleo and vegan Bounty bars...