We love chicken. It may be it's mild taste, low fat, or that is can be flavored a...
Coconut macaroons are a large leap away from the petite French macarons. They are dense,...
I improvised this on Saturday for a dinner party - turned out amazing! Tip : You could probably...
This recipe perfectly combines the distinctive taste of coconut with the delicate flavor and rich,...
Bake + chocolate = Love, right?! You'll definitely love this recipe. I added some coconut...
This is a must-try dessert and it's very easy! Your steam oven will do all the work. If you...
High Energy Bars with "Xocai Healthy Chocolate"
Strawberries and cream are a classic combination - sweet, juicy strawberries, luscious cream and...
We all love the classic Thanksgiving desserts, what I like to call the trio of pies: pumpkin, apple...
There is no other word for it. These coconut bars are decadent. Wait until you taste these soft,...
A tasty alternative to the standard cookie bar, these originally called for Crisco(eww), and Lard...
It's that time of year when we crave comforting foods. I turn usually turn to stews...
Thank-you Elena's Pantry for these healthy alternatives to tradional Halloween candy....
Instead of giving out the same old candy this Halloween, make your own all-natural Mounds bars. Not...
If you're like me, baking cupcakes can be an anxiety inducing affair. I never know if my...
If you are throwing a Halloween party, I have got the perfect dessert for you. Kitchen Table...
Sometimes all you want to do is curl up with a bowl of soup and relax. Our first instinct is...
Want to terrify your guests this Halloween? Say no more - this creepiest ever (gluten free!) panna...
This is a real treat!! With Love, Catherine
An extremely healthy power packed evening snack that is lip smacking good :)