Shoshanna Levy

Shoshanna Levy, CNC is a certified holistic nutritionist who is on a mission to spread the word about the world-wide explosion of gluten sensitivity. Due to a childhood filled with a variety of chronic health issues, and a lack of understanding from her doctors, she looked for other solutions. By changing her diet, she learned that she is severely allergic to dairy and gluten, and this discovery was life-changing.

Once Shoshanna made the connection that making different dietary choices can transform your life, she knew that this had to be shared with as many people as possible! Shoshanna will take you on a journey BEYOND gluten free, BEYOND fad diets and quick fixes and into a realm of optimal energy, vitality and wellness! Through her classes, workshops, blog, and skype sessions Shoshanna shares her knowledge about the benefits of a SOUL (seasonal, organic, unrefined, local) diet and offers motivation and inspiration so that you can feel better than you have in years!

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Posts by Shoshanna Levy

August 21, 2011


Denny Rehberg, the republican Congressional Rep. from Montana has introduced an amendment that will essentially make it impossible for the FDA to restrict antibiotic use in livestock. In this video,...

August 20, 2011


The Farm Food Freedom coalition has formed in response to repeated government attacks on farmers and co-ops who were selling raw milk and other nutrient dense whole foods. The coalition is on a...

August 20, 2011

lemonade stand

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade or you could be considered a criminal! We now live in a world where children's lemonade stands are being shut down by the government. Through...

August 20, 2011


As summer winds down, celebrate the bounty of the season with a refreshing seasonal gazpacho. This summer soup is packed with bold flavors and is sure to be a cooling crowd pleaser. Cucumber Gazpacho...

August 19, 2011

farmers market

The Farmers Market Coalition is a non-profit organization who is on a mission to support community building, help farmers earn fair prices for their produce and to offer consumers direct access to...

August 19, 2011

school lunch

Back to Scratch School cafeteria lunches go old school. Fowl Play The poultry industry gets a $40 million bailout. Dutch Baby Pancakes Toss some hemp seeds and nuts into the batter for a...

August 19, 2011


Say it ain't so, Mr. Obama! How could you appoint the vice president of Monsanto to a senior FDA position?  Monsanto has harmed the Earth and it's citizens in ways that will affect...

August 18, 2011

farmers market

Now here's a sustainable idea on many levels; a stimulus package for farmers markets. Since farmers markets provide local, organic food and help create community, why not add some funding so that...

August 18, 2011

rooftop garden

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of NYC, has just signed several bills into law which will reform the food system by promoting urban farming, sustainable, and local food. "This package of...

August 18, 2011

green beans

Remember that yummy green bean casserole with the fried onions on top? It was creamy and delicious, but typically very unhealthy.   Thanks to a healthy makeover, you can enjoy this...

August 18, 2011


Unconventional gardening queen, Ruth Stout, was a passionate gardener and author, whose unusual growing methods were inspired and effective. It turns out planting a successful veggie garden is far...

August 17, 2011


Slow Food USA is asking everyone to take back the "value meal" on September 17th. Get with your family and friends for the 5$ Challenge. The idea is to host or attend a potluck, BBQ, or...

August 17, 2011

soy beans

Have you ever wondered why certain ingredients like corn, wheat, and soy seem to appear in just about everything from boxed foods to beauty products? There is a simple answer, and it's called...

August 17, 2011

almond pulp

One of the challenges of being a nutritionist is convincing people that they will still have plenty to eat if they get rid of gluten and other ingredients that they are familiar with.  This...

August 16, 2011

school lunch

One elementary school in Chicago is taking the concept of healthy school lunches to the next level. The principal has banned students from bringing their own lunches. The school believes that this...

August 16, 2011

fast food

This infographic by My Modern Met, shows the history, consumption, and other fun facts about fast food.  A Carl's Junior milkshake has more calories than the average daily intake of some...

August 16, 2011

canned tuna

By now you may have heard that canned tuna is not only loaded with mercury, but it's a completely unsustainable industry.  This Green Peace video shows you the dark side of the industry...

August 16, 2011

school lunch

Who would have ever imagined that the school cafeteria lunch lady could be replaced by a machine? Well, in Miami that is exactly what's happening, in 55 middle  and high schools.  The...

August 15, 2011


That bright orange spice most commonly found in curry, also happens to be a very powerful medicinal herb. Turmeric is filled with volatile oils, antioxidants, minerals, and other compounds that are...

August 15, 2011


Today is the birthday of the queen of French cooking. In Julia's honor, enjoy this classic recipe for Ratatouille, taken directly from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.  The French...

August 15, 2011


It's not a secret that sugar is not so sweet for human health, but many people may not realize just how damaging it really is.  In this video, Dr. Robert Lustig, explains why the...

August 15, 2011


Here are five nutrient dense veggie meals that will satisfy even a hearty appetite. All of these dishes are strong on flavor and offer a balance of protein, fat, and carbs.  Spiced Lentil Soup...

August 14, 2011

pumpkin seeds

Dr. Theresa Ramsey, is an author, educator, and speaker who is bridging the gap between natural and allopathic medicine.  Check out Dr. Ramsey discussing the importance of zinc and how a...

August 14, 2011

veggies summer

Miso is an amazingly healing food, thanks to it being beneficial bacteria and enzyme-rich. This miso soup takes it to the next level with a variety of seasonal veggies, fresh herbs, and medicinal...

August 14, 2011


Antibiotic resistant bacteria is becoming an epidemic, and one theory is that it's due to the over-drugging of the livestock. A new University of Maryland study supports this claim.  The...
